Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello Everyone,
I can hardly believe another month has come and gone. Between my 18 hours of class time at NGU, my duties as an RA, my community service, my part-time job at Bi-Lo (which is really part time these days) and preparing for Miss South Carolina – I am REALLY busy! My classes start at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and I end at 4:45 p.m. with just an hour for lunch. On Tuesdays I go to Chandler Creek Elementary School where I will be observing and teaching 4th grade.
Since my last blog, a lot has taken place on my journey to Miss South Carolina. I have completed my wardrobe (except for interview) for state. I have also selected my song for the talent competition. And guess what, I'm not twirling – I’m singing once again. I have truly been blessed to have great LED’s (Frannie and Terri) this year. They, along with Greg and the staff at Gregory Ellenburgs have been so encouraging and supportive of my ideas and wishes as well as offering outstanding advice. Thanks guys!!!!
I have also been very busy with appearances this past month. I was honored to be a guest on “Your Carolina” TV show (WSPA) with Kimberly Kelly and Jack Roper. I also was co-MC for the Miss Landmark Pageant at Pendleton High School. This was a very special event for me due to the fact that Pendleton was where I graduated from and I am a former Miss Landmark.
February brings with it two special days for me. First, on the February 4th I celebrate my 22nd birthday. This coming Sunday (February 1st) my family and friends are invited to come to church with me. Following the service we will all go out to lunch. I really enjoy the time that can spend with the people closest to me. Second, February 14th is Valentine’s Day. I have been busy making and writing Valentines for two special groups. 1) I have begun a campaign I call “Troop Valentine” where I, with the help of our children and youth at church and a local Girl Scout troop, have written and are sending Valentines to soldiers serving our country. 2) I will be delivering valentines to area hospitals (including the Children’s Hospital in Greenville, SC) and nursing homes.
Well, I guess that is enough for now. I encourge you all to continue to pray for America and our new president and leaders. Finally I leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” (This Is My Story,1937).

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy New Year

Hello Everyone,

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holday! It is my prayer that you will all have a blessed and happy new year!!!!

A lot has happened since I last blogged.

I have completed my first simester in the school of Education. I am happy to report that I made the President's List with a 3.86 GPA. This is indeed a blessing - I had 21 hours!!!

I am sorry to say however, that my Christmas was not the best. On Sunday night (December 21st) we received a call from my Grandfather telling us that my uncle had shot himself. We quickly hurried and got our clothes together and went to Athens, GA where we would spend most of the week of Christmas. You hear about things like this happening - but you never believe or dream they will happen to your family. Only those who have experienced a suiside can understand the helpless felling you feel. Todd was laid to rest on Friday, December 26th. As for Christmas, at least I was able to be with my parents, my brother and my grandparents.
Let me take this time to say a special word of thanks to all who sent cards, called or said a prayer during this sad time. May bless you all! You are truly special people.

Now for some more good news! I have had the most amazing month of service as Miss Greater Pee Dee. I sang at the Lila Doyle Christmas Party in Seneca, SC; participated in 5 Christmas parades, toured the Children's hospital in Florence, SC; attended the Red Kettle Kick off for the Salvation Army (I also rang bells for three days); attended the Miss Walhira Pageant in Walhalla, SC; and even spoke to the Darlington County Council (This is just a few of many events). Yes it has been very busy - but most rewarding!!!!

I am happy to say that I have decided on some of my Miss South Carolina Wardrobe!!!!! I have the greatest LED's ever!!!! They have been so positive and patient through this process. I am really excited about my new swim suit. Guess you will have to wait and see it in May. Now, I just have to get the body to look as good as the suit!!!!!!!!! I have already started my training and look forward to seeing the end result.

I attended Youth Balst Winter Conference in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. for 4 days. This is an event that I attended when I was in high school. Now that I am older, I volunteer my time to help in any way I can. This is truly one of my favorite events of the year. The name says it all "BLAST". This year was no different. The speakers were wonderful and music was so uplifting. This year we had a special group called "3-D" who performed creative moments. WOW!!!!! They were awesome!

This past week I attended the Red Cross Blood Drive at Magnolia Mall in Florence, SC. I was honored to be present with channel 13 sport's announcer, Matt Lincoln, for the drive. It was so much fun helping register people, and even getting the chance to be on TV while donating blood. Frannie even came out and donated blood with me (told you I had some great LEDs).

Tomorrow I begin my second semister. I have classes all day on Monday and Wednesday. I guess I need to close for now and get to bed.

I look forward to blogging again real soon. So until then - May God Bless You!