Friday, April 17, 2009

I Need A New Dress!!!!!!

Easter has to be one of my favorite times of the year. Why? Well, there are several reasons that come to mind, but one stands out above the rest.

Easter is a time to get a new outfit (and what girl doesn't enjoy that!) Getting an Easter outfit has been a life long tradition in our family. I can remember my mom and dad taking me shopping and going from store to store, trying on dress after dress, spending hours at a time until we found just the right dress. When Easter morning came I would put my new outfit on and off to church I would go with a big smile on my face and a skip in my step. I was dressed in my best and I knew it! In fact I wanted everyone else to know it, too. I made sure everyone saw me!

Well, this Easter has been a little different for me. Oh, sure I got new outfit. But this year there was no shopping trip. I have been so busy at school with my overload in hours that there was just no time to take a day and go shopping. This year my dad did the shopping. He bought the dress. However, when Easter morning came I didn't have the smile on my face I usually do. Neither did I have the skip in step (of course I did have to sing at 6:30 in the morning!) But my dad noticed it. In fact, he noticed that when I got up I didn't even wear the new dress he had bought me. It wasn't because I didn't like it - it was great. So, what made the difference?

After taking some time and pondering the situation, I think I realize what was wrong. No, it wasn't because I had to get up and sing at 6:30 am (even though at that time of morning it is a miracle that I even got dressed.) The reason for my lack of excitement was that the new outfit didn't mean anything to me this year. I had not spent the time going to find that one dress! It wasn't personal!

I am sad to say that there are many who let this time of year go by without any excitement of what this holiday really means. They treat it like any other day - any other Sunday! Why? They haven't taken the time to make it personal!

On Thursday night my family and I went to Athens, Georgia to attend the Living Lord Supper at my grandparents' church. Beside the cast, we were the first to arrive. In fact, five minutes till starting time, there were only a hand full of people. How sad to have a large, beautiful church with so many empty pews. It felt so lonely. That's when I realized that Christ understood the lonliness. While on the cross, even his own father (God) turned his face away. Yes, because of Easter, Christ understands a lot of things!

So, next Easter, Lord willing, I will go back out and shop. I will make it personal again! When Easter morning comes you will find me in my best, at my best and with the best - my personal risen Lord!

Happy Easter Everyone!

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