Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy National Pancake Day!

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a great February. For me February has been very busy with school and appearances. February is also a very special month for me. Yes it is the month of love, but it also my BIRTHDAY! I can’t believe it – I turned 22 on February 4, 2009. My celebrating began a couple of days early with my whole family coming to hear me sing at church. It was great having them all together. After church we meet Josh’s parents at Zion (a local restaurant). The food and the fellowship were great. But guess what was even better? GIFTS!!!!! I got the coolest boots and shoes ever!!!! Then for my special day Josh took me to see The Barnum and Bailey Circus (which had always been a dream of mine). Lucky for me, when they found out that I was the reigning Miss Greater Pee Dee, they asked me to wear my crown and I got to meet some of the cast and even try on the Ring Master’s Jacket!!!! How fun is that!!!!

I am happy to report that "Troop Valinitine" was a big success! Thanks to the Girl Scouts and The Mission in Action class at Mountain View we were able to send 75 valentines to soldiers serving our country. Thanks to my church family I was able to deliver over 100 valentines to 5 facilities in the area.

On Saturday, January 31st I was honored to judge the Miss Boiling Springs High School pageant. Wow what a great group of young ladies. Caroline Byrde was crowned Miss Boiling Springs. She is a beautiful girl who played violin for talent and boy can she interview!!!! Check out other winners on my photo page!

On Saturday, February 7th I judged the Ninth Grade pageant at Boiling Springs. Jessi Easler was crowned Miss Freshman. She is a beautiful young lady with a sweet spirit.

On Thursday, February 19th I judged the Miss Carolina High School Pageant with Michael Aaron Haney, Kelly Sloan, Mrs. Fitch (Taylor’s Mom), NaToya Dingle and my dad. What a pageant!

These past two Sundays (February 15th and 22nd) I volunteered at the Oconee Community Theater with their production of. “Macbeth Did It”. What a hilarious play about a group of people in a local community theater who come together to perform Macbeth. The cast did a great job!

Today was National Pancake Day at Ihop. Yes, I broke my diet – I had my short stack!!!!! Not only did I go to the Ihop here in Greenville, but my dad, mom, grandmother (Nannie) and Aunt (Sissy) ate their short stack in Anderson. My other grandparents (Papa and Mamma Wannie) ate at the Ihop in Athens GA. Thanks Ihop! The pancakes were GREAT!

I am now getting ready for March forum (March 13th-15th) and preparing for my next TV appearance which will be on March 4th at 8:00 p.m. (WGGS; channel 16). The next time I blog I will be starting my tour of churches. So far I have 8 churches where I will be singing and sharing over the next 3 months. So yes I will be busy – but I will not forget you!

Till Next Time – May God Bless,
Gayla Paige Brown

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