Friday, April 17, 2009

I Need A New Dress!!!!!!

Easter has to be one of my favorite times of the year. Why? Well, there are several reasons that come to mind, but one stands out above the rest.

Easter is a time to get a new outfit (and what girl doesn't enjoy that!) Getting an Easter outfit has been a life long tradition in our family. I can remember my mom and dad taking me shopping and going from store to store, trying on dress after dress, spending hours at a time until we found just the right dress. When Easter morning came I would put my new outfit on and off to church I would go with a big smile on my face and a skip in my step. I was dressed in my best and I knew it! In fact I wanted everyone else to know it, too. I made sure everyone saw me!

Well, this Easter has been a little different for me. Oh, sure I got new outfit. But this year there was no shopping trip. I have been so busy at school with my overload in hours that there was just no time to take a day and go shopping. This year my dad did the shopping. He bought the dress. However, when Easter morning came I didn't have the smile on my face I usually do. Neither did I have the skip in step (of course I did have to sing at 6:30 in the morning!) But my dad noticed it. In fact, he noticed that when I got up I didn't even wear the new dress he had bought me. It wasn't because I didn't like it - it was great. So, what made the difference?

After taking some time and pondering the situation, I think I realize what was wrong. No, it wasn't because I had to get up and sing at 6:30 am (even though at that time of morning it is a miracle that I even got dressed.) The reason for my lack of excitement was that the new outfit didn't mean anything to me this year. I had not spent the time going to find that one dress! It wasn't personal!

I am sad to say that there are many who let this time of year go by without any excitement of what this holiday really means. They treat it like any other day - any other Sunday! Why? They haven't taken the time to make it personal!

On Thursday night my family and I went to Athens, Georgia to attend the Living Lord Supper at my grandparents' church. Beside the cast, we were the first to arrive. In fact, five minutes till starting time, there were only a hand full of people. How sad to have a large, beautiful church with so many empty pews. It felt so lonely. That's when I realized that Christ understood the lonliness. While on the cross, even his own father (God) turned his face away. Yes, because of Easter, Christ understands a lot of things!

So, next Easter, Lord willing, I will go back out and shop. I will make it personal again! When Easter morning comes you will find me in my best, at my best and with the best - my personal risen Lord!

Happy Easter Everyone!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's Day

Hello Again,

Have you ever had someone come up to you and say, "I've got good news and bad news, which do you want first?" If you have, then you know the feeling that knots up in the pit of your stomach. Yes, you are excited about the good, but the weight of the bad over takes you. That's the way I feel about this holiday!

Now, I am a firm believer in the saying, "laughter is the best medicine". And oh the laughing that goes on with a holiday like today. Be honest, we all know that jokes can be funny - when they are played on someone else. And I will confess that I can joke with the best of them at times (just ask my LED Frannie). However, there is another saying that goes through my mind every time I play joke on someone. You have heard it I bet - "What goes around comes around!" Oops there goes the knot in the stomach!

Maybe it would do us all good to remember one of the first rules we ever learned. You know it - "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Just a Thought,

P.S. Hope you caught my interview on the Peggy Denny Show today.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March Forum

Hello Everyone,
March Forum was great. I was so happy to have my parents and my grandparents, Papa and Mamma Wannie, with me this year. Jonathan wasn’t able to attend this year. He and Leslie, his girlfriend, had a horse show to attend. Sorry it rained you out guys!!!! Mikaela Groomes, one of my Palmetto Princesses also attended.
Friday night was the first time I had the chance to see and meet many of the queens. I must say, they are all so lovely in physical beauty, but what was so impressive was seeing their inner beauty. I have always been told that “beauty is only skin deep.” If that is indeed true, the ladies I met at the Forum need not worry, they have both!
Saturday morning started very early as The Greater Pee Dee Team (Dad, Mikaela, and I) arrived at USC Upstate for the “Fit to Be Crowned” 5K run. The weather was horrible. It was cold and rainy the whole time. Miss America, Katie Stamm, was there with Anna Perry (Miss SC), Courtney Cisson (Miss SC Teen) and Taylor Fitch (Miss America’s Outstanding Teen). Since running is not one of my strong points, it only goes to reason that I did not make one of the fastest times. In fact, none of us did. We did finish however and we have the photos to prove it! I did enjoy walking with and talking with many of the queens, especially Desiree, Miss Greater Mauldin.
Following lunch on Saturday was the fashion show. I was honored that Ms. Teresa, owner of Precious Formals in Newberry, SC, asked me to model a beautiful aqua blue Sherri Hill gown.
Saturday night was the Miss Northern/Southern pageant. As I sat there watching these girls compete, I couldn’t help but feel their excitement. I knew what they were feeling because I competed in that pageant in 2007 when I won the title of Miss Southern. The girls all did a great job and I congratulate all the winners.
All in all I think the forum was a big success. Now is the time to really get busy. There are ad pages to sell, recognition pages to work for and, after seeing the girls, exercise to do!!!! So let's get busy and I will talk to you soon.
Until Next Time – God Bless,
P.S. Have a Happy Saint Patrick's Day Everybody!!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

It's Spring Break!!!!!!!

Hi Everyone,
It’s Spring Break!!!!! While others are traveling to lavish locations for some much needed R&R (well maybe?), I will be doing a lot of traveling myself! MY spring break will be spent recording radio spots for WGOG, assisting at blood drives and meeting Ta’sheoma Bethea, my child of achievement which I am very excited about.
Classes at NGU are going well, but I have to say I am looking forward to having some time away from the books. I will miss my students at Chandlers Creek Elementary School.
Over the past few weeks I have been pretty busy with school and appearances. I was grateful to be on WGGS, Channel 16 with my fellow queens Elizabeth, Ashley, and Autumn. What a great night! This only my second time on live TV – my first time singing! I must confess that I felt a little awkward, especially when the camera came within inches if my face!!! All I could think about was, “Ok Gayla, don’t move or you will knock this camera out of his hands!” Autumn’s version of “How Great Thou Art” was just beautiful. All in all it was a GREAT night.
I can hardly believe that March Forum is this coming weekend. Where has the time gone? When I was crowned back in October it seemed so far away, and now it’s next weekend! I will say that I am excited about meeting the queens and spending time with all the girls I have met so far. I will let you know how it turns out!
Until Then – God Bless,

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy National Pancake Day!

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a great February. For me February has been very busy with school and appearances. February is also a very special month for me. Yes it is the month of love, but it also my BIRTHDAY! I can’t believe it – I turned 22 on February 4, 2009. My celebrating began a couple of days early with my whole family coming to hear me sing at church. It was great having them all together. After church we meet Josh’s parents at Zion (a local restaurant). The food and the fellowship were great. But guess what was even better? GIFTS!!!!! I got the coolest boots and shoes ever!!!! Then for my special day Josh took me to see The Barnum and Bailey Circus (which had always been a dream of mine). Lucky for me, when they found out that I was the reigning Miss Greater Pee Dee, they asked me to wear my crown and I got to meet some of the cast and even try on the Ring Master’s Jacket!!!! How fun is that!!!!

I am happy to report that "Troop Valinitine" was a big success! Thanks to the Girl Scouts and The Mission in Action class at Mountain View we were able to send 75 valentines to soldiers serving our country. Thanks to my church family I was able to deliver over 100 valentines to 5 facilities in the area.

On Saturday, January 31st I was honored to judge the Miss Boiling Springs High School pageant. Wow what a great group of young ladies. Caroline Byrde was crowned Miss Boiling Springs. She is a beautiful girl who played violin for talent and boy can she interview!!!! Check out other winners on my photo page!

On Saturday, February 7th I judged the Ninth Grade pageant at Boiling Springs. Jessi Easler was crowned Miss Freshman. She is a beautiful young lady with a sweet spirit.

On Thursday, February 19th I judged the Miss Carolina High School Pageant with Michael Aaron Haney, Kelly Sloan, Mrs. Fitch (Taylor’s Mom), NaToya Dingle and my dad. What a pageant!

These past two Sundays (February 15th and 22nd) I volunteered at the Oconee Community Theater with their production of. “Macbeth Did It”. What a hilarious play about a group of people in a local community theater who come together to perform Macbeth. The cast did a great job!

Today was National Pancake Day at Ihop. Yes, I broke my diet – I had my short stack!!!!! Not only did I go to the Ihop here in Greenville, but my dad, mom, grandmother (Nannie) and Aunt (Sissy) ate their short stack in Anderson. My other grandparents (Papa and Mamma Wannie) ate at the Ihop in Athens GA. Thanks Ihop! The pancakes were GREAT!

I am now getting ready for March forum (March 13th-15th) and preparing for my next TV appearance which will be on March 4th at 8:00 p.m. (WGGS; channel 16). The next time I blog I will be starting my tour of churches. So far I have 8 churches where I will be singing and sharing over the next 3 months. So yes I will be busy – but I will not forget you!

Till Next Time – May God Bless,
Gayla Paige Brown

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hello Everyone,
I can hardly believe another month has come and gone. Between my 18 hours of class time at NGU, my duties as an RA, my community service, my part-time job at Bi-Lo (which is really part time these days) and preparing for Miss South Carolina – I am REALLY busy! My classes start at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and I end at 4:45 p.m. with just an hour for lunch. On Tuesdays I go to Chandler Creek Elementary School where I will be observing and teaching 4th grade.
Since my last blog, a lot has taken place on my journey to Miss South Carolina. I have completed my wardrobe (except for interview) for state. I have also selected my song for the talent competition. And guess what, I'm not twirling – I’m singing once again. I have truly been blessed to have great LED’s (Frannie and Terri) this year. They, along with Greg and the staff at Gregory Ellenburgs have been so encouraging and supportive of my ideas and wishes as well as offering outstanding advice. Thanks guys!!!!
I have also been very busy with appearances this past month. I was honored to be a guest on “Your Carolina” TV show (WSPA) with Kimberly Kelly and Jack Roper. I also was co-MC for the Miss Landmark Pageant at Pendleton High School. This was a very special event for me due to the fact that Pendleton was where I graduated from and I am a former Miss Landmark.
February brings with it two special days for me. First, on the February 4th I celebrate my 22nd birthday. This coming Sunday (February 1st) my family and friends are invited to come to church with me. Following the service we will all go out to lunch. I really enjoy the time that can spend with the people closest to me. Second, February 14th is Valentine’s Day. I have been busy making and writing Valentines for two special groups. 1) I have begun a campaign I call “Troop Valentine” where I, with the help of our children and youth at church and a local Girl Scout troop, have written and are sending Valentines to soldiers serving our country. 2) I will be delivering valentines to area hospitals (including the Children’s Hospital in Greenville, SC) and nursing homes.
Well, I guess that is enough for now. I encourge you all to continue to pray for America and our new president and leaders. Finally I leave you with one of my favorite quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” (This Is My Story,1937).

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy New Year

Hello Everyone,

I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holday! It is my prayer that you will all have a blessed and happy new year!!!!

A lot has happened since I last blogged.

I have completed my first simester in the school of Education. I am happy to report that I made the President's List with a 3.86 GPA. This is indeed a blessing - I had 21 hours!!!

I am sorry to say however, that my Christmas was not the best. On Sunday night (December 21st) we received a call from my Grandfather telling us that my uncle had shot himself. We quickly hurried and got our clothes together and went to Athens, GA where we would spend most of the week of Christmas. You hear about things like this happening - but you never believe or dream they will happen to your family. Only those who have experienced a suiside can understand the helpless felling you feel. Todd was laid to rest on Friday, December 26th. As for Christmas, at least I was able to be with my parents, my brother and my grandparents.
Let me take this time to say a special word of thanks to all who sent cards, called or said a prayer during this sad time. May bless you all! You are truly special people.

Now for some more good news! I have had the most amazing month of service as Miss Greater Pee Dee. I sang at the Lila Doyle Christmas Party in Seneca, SC; participated in 5 Christmas parades, toured the Children's hospital in Florence, SC; attended the Red Kettle Kick off for the Salvation Army (I also rang bells for three days); attended the Miss Walhira Pageant in Walhalla, SC; and even spoke to the Darlington County Council (This is just a few of many events). Yes it has been very busy - but most rewarding!!!!

I am happy to say that I have decided on some of my Miss South Carolina Wardrobe!!!!! I have the greatest LED's ever!!!! They have been so positive and patient through this process. I am really excited about my new swim suit. Guess you will have to wait and see it in May. Now, I just have to get the body to look as good as the suit!!!!!!!!! I have already started my training and look forward to seeing the end result.

I attended Youth Balst Winter Conference in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. for 4 days. This is an event that I attended when I was in high school. Now that I am older, I volunteer my time to help in any way I can. This is truly one of my favorite events of the year. The name says it all "BLAST". This year was no different. The speakers were wonderful and music was so uplifting. This year we had a special group called "3-D" who performed creative moments. WOW!!!!! They were awesome!

This past week I attended the Red Cross Blood Drive at Magnolia Mall in Florence, SC. I was honored to be present with channel 13 sport's announcer, Matt Lincoln, for the drive. It was so much fun helping register people, and even getting the chance to be on TV while donating blood. Frannie even came out and donated blood with me (told you I had some great LEDs).

Tomorrow I begin my second semister. I have classes all day on Monday and Wednesday. I guess I need to close for now and get to bed.

I look forward to blogging again real soon. So until then - May God Bless You!